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Talking Mission: ACORN Groups with Paul Haringman

Published Tue 24 Aug, 2021

Talking Mission: ACORN Groups with Paul Haringman

Hosted by Mission & Discipleship Task Group
7.30pm, 25th August 2021, via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 951 3246 8677
Passcode: 923124

It’s all about Mission! But where do we start?

Remember that God is already there. Our job is to find out what God is doing and join Him in the conversation that is already going on in our community.

ACORN gives us a way to share our faith and encounter God.

The process is simple. It starts with a prayer - Lord today is there someone you want me to connect with outside the church family? A name comes to mind or there is a ‘chance’ meeting with someone. Simply ask ‘How are you?’ and then report back to a small group of Christians who will provide encouragement and help you to notice what God is doing.

Paul Haringman, Mission Development Worker for Inverness Presbytery has worked alongside Michael Harvey to encourage and promote ACORN during lockdown and beyond. He has incredible stories to share of ordinary people encountering God as they go about their everyday lives. He will join us on Wednesday 25th August to share his insight and experience and to answer any questions you may have about becoming involved with ACORN and establishing groups across Fife. ‘ACORN is a movement that seeks to connect Christians with the work God is doing in others through caring conversation.’

Being an inviting church is as important as being a welcoming, or hospitable one, and is equally applicable in a New Worshipping Community as in any of our existing congregations. While in lockdown, it may have seemed impossible to put invitation into practice.

Working with Michael Harvey, the Church of Scotland has been working with congregations to respond to God’s call to connect with others, even in this time of restriction. Michael delivered a webinar on God’s Call in a Time of Covid-19 in September 2020, and this is available on YouTube. ( 38xwX0J)

Since then numerous ACORN groups have been established, including in Fife Presbytery, where members support one another to ask God to prompt them to connect with someone, to follow through on that and to share with one another the outcome.

The purpose of these monthly online gatherings is to develop an understanding of contextual mission across our new Presbytery. A 20-30 minute talk with a missional focus followed by an opportunity for questions, reflection and discussion. These events are open to all across the Presbytery. Booking is requested to aid with preparation. For those unable to attend the event will be recorded and available to view via the Presbytery YouTube.