Letter to all Ministers and Congregations in Fife Presbytery

Letter to all Ministers and Congregations in Fife Presbytery

Fife Presbytery Mission Plan Update – 31st January 2022

In the King James Version of the Bible, Proverbs 29:18 says: “Where there is no vision, the people perish….” In the RSV it is translated: “Where there is no prophecy…” while in…

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Hello, and welcome.

Welcome to the Home Page of the youngest Presbytery in the Church of Scotland. Born on 1st January, 2021 we burst into life proper just after 10.00am on Saturday, 6th February. Our necklace of Galilean-like coastal villages and landward hinterland pay homage to bygone martyrs, monarchs and economists of note. Follow us on the latest leg of our journey of faith, in the missional footsteps of the risen Christ. Where, and what will our newly charged hands serve? To whom shall we go?

Hallelujah! The call goes on!

Rev Jane Barron Moderator

Daily Prayer

Daily Reading